We were struggling in our problem solving involving fractions of amounts so we used our oracy skills to discuss our knowledge and understanding. This resulted in growing confidence and resilience.
We've had a great start to our time at Herd Farm. The children have embraced many challenges, the hardest of all being: making their own beds! Some of the class have reached the dizzying heights of the Giant Swing, others have whizzed at speed down the Double Zipwire, whilst another group have built shelters and started their own fires. We are looking forward to a cosy evening by the campfire!
What another great day! The children have been pushed to their limits: tackling their fear of heights and battling the elements. However, for some, the greatest challenge they attempted today was trying the vegetable soup. We are proud of all of them!
We’ve had fun with fire and built shelters in the woods. The Giant Swing was a huge amount of fun. The children have enjoyed helping out with setting the tables and cleaning up, too! Lots of life skills!